
May 2, 2014 day of finalization in court. Today, we are finalizing your adoption. This was with Judge Grimm at the Bucks County Court House. Kim Hawthorn was with us today, to help celebrate. The Judge was very nice. He is an adoptive parent himself and specializes in adoption cases. The whole process lasted about 20 minutes. Judge Grimm asked both your dad and I about our routine with you and if we felt you are better off with us. It was not nearly as stressful as we thought it was going to be. It is interesting, the judge saw where I went to college, which was down in NC and he stated he is family friends with the professor that I had for my senior seminar.

After every thing was done, the three of us were officially a family! The three of us went out to lunch to celebrate.

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The BEST day EVER!

Today is the day! It started with us driving to pick up your mom in center city at 6:30am.  She stayed with a friend that night in order to be closer to the hospital. She needed to be at Jefferson Hospital by 7am. Your dad and I were very anxious all morning, in anticipation of you. Around 10:10am, your mom was taken back for the C-section and Daddy Brian went with her. As I was pacing back and forth in the room alone, as I was waiting for news of you, a nurse came by and shared her story with me. She adopted her son about 20 years ago. She lite up as she talked about her son and the adoption. She congratulated us and talked about how special adoption is.

You were born at 10:36am, at 19 inches, and weighed 6.1 oz. Your dad came back to the room first, with a smile from ear to ear. Within a few minutes, the nurse brought you  to the room. You were sooooo tiny and the most wonderful thing your dad and I have ever seen! All this time waiting for you and you were finally here! Daddy Brian held you next to his body for a while. Nona and Djai were at the hospital and were able to come back to meet you. Shortly after, your mom then came back to the room. Everyone was healthy.

You were then moved to the nursery. The doctors needed to make sure you were okay. For the next three days you stayed in the nursery. The first day, we spent 17 hours at the hospital with you, we just didn’t want to leave you. We went home to sleep and then came back the next day. It wasn’t until the end of the second day that you opened your eyes and got to see your dads. We sat with you for your time in the nursery, holding you and just staring at you in awe! The nurses were nice and helped us learn how to change diapers and how to feed you.

On December 21st, we were able to take you home. You were cleared by the doctors and we were all ready to get you home! On the day last, Djai and Nona were there, along with Kayla, the case worker from the agency that helped up get you. We took a lot of pictures and then got you home! Once we got back to the house, Nona, Djai and Uncle Brian were all waiting for you, to welcome you home.

Over the following weeks, so many friends and family came by to meet you. Everyone had been waiting for years for you, and now that you were here, everyone couldn’t wait to meet you. I stayed home with you for the first two months and then you were to grandparent daycare.

Over the next three months, we would have a social worker coming out to the house every 30 days to check on you. She would ask questions about how you were doing eating, sleeping, doctors appointments and how your dad and I were adjusting. She was a very nice woman.

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