A change in your birthday!

Your birthday has changed so many times since we found you! At first you were going to be born mid-November and then it was mid-Jan. We were then told that you would be coming early, 37 week and Dec 21st would be the day. It was then altered to be the 26 and as of yesterday, the c-section was pushed up and scheduled for Dec. 18th! You are 20 days away from being here!!! OHMYGOSH! I am filled with so many feelings right now. We are so excited that the LONG journey to create this family is going to come to an end, that you will be here with your dads! I am also feeling very anxious, concerned that I don’t know what to do with a baby. I have dreams about you almost every night. Some of them I am messing up with you and unable to comfort you. Others are of the three of us doing family things together, reading books, having meals, over at Nona and Djai’s house and some are you and Brady playing around the age of 5 together.

You will be here very soon!

We are meeting your mom for the first time next week! We are excited to meet her and learn some more about her. We are also going to be going to the doctor’s with her on Dec. 6th and we will be able to see the ultrasound of you!! That will be an amazing experience!

Your dad’s co-workers were so thoughtful and purchase gifts for you! They wanted to create a library for you with all kinds of books and they have signed the inside of the books for you with little personal messages.  There is a onies that was signed by all for you and a “Pathway Library” was created by Aunt Kate and Aunt Erin for you! There was also a diaper wreath created by Carmen H. for you, which is so cute!  You have no idea how supported and loved you are by so many!

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Love you!

47 Days!

You will be here in about 47 days!! We cannot wait any longer! We heard from the case manager at the agency this week that you seem very healthy. Your mom went to the doctor’s this week for a scheduled appointment. The case manager was with her. It was said that you are the perfect size for being 30 weeks old. You are 3.9 pounds and have a heart rate at 150. The doctor says you are doing very well. The c-section will be scheduled for 37 weeks.

We are meeting your mom (Tracey) for the first time on Wednesday night. We are not too sure what to expect but are looking forward to meeting her and getting to know her. We will try to get family history for you; information about her; a picture of her for you and see what we can learn about your biological dad.

On another note, your dads were legally married in the state of Delaware, (11/6/13) this week. Your grandparents were there with us.  We will still use our wedding date as 7/16/10, for this was the wedding that really had meaning for us. But now we are legally joined, which will be important in relation to you.


Seeing pictures of Uncle Greg and Aunt Carolyn with your cousin Brady, has only made us more excited for your arrival! I heard from Uncle Greg that Nonna (grandmother in Italian) is already talking about you and Brady staying over for weekends with your grandparents. Nonna and Djai Djai (grandfather in Polish) are anxious for your arrival too.

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We made some changes to your room too!

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