Second submission

 For the second time yesterday, we submitted our profile book to a birthmother, Suzan! There is some more information that we would want about her and the situation, which we requested but over all she looked like she would be a good fit for us. You can see the description below.
There where some people asking me what we look for in a birthmother. When we get the emails letting us know the agency has a new birthmother, the first thing we look at is if she is open to “non-traditional couples” otherwise there is no point in reading about the situation and getting excited, which has happened many times. Next week look at the price. For each situation there is a different price tag. Then we look to see if she admits to any drugs or alcohol during the pregnancy and when prenatal care was started. We then look at the health history of both parents, the state (location) the baby is in to see what the laws are in that state and how long the time period is for the mother to change her mind. Some states are 72 hours, others are 30 days. We also look at the amount of money that is at risk of being lost if she changes her mind and keeps the baby. Sometimes this can be up around $10,000 we would lose. We look to see if another agency is involved, because that brings the overall price up. We also want to know if her family is supportive of the adoption plan. There is a lot to consider when choosing to submit our profile book.
Now that we have submitted, it is a matter of waiting to see if we get selected. Then we will need to look over the additional information that we requested.  Keep fingers crossed for us!!!
Email about birthmother
New Birthmother Suzan is a 21 year old 1/2 Caucasian and 1/2 Asian woman due with a 3/4 Caucasian and 1/4 Asian baby on July 17, 2013 in Sioux City, Iowa. The gender of the child is unknown. Suzan admits to smoking marijuana and consuming alcohol a couple of times prior to finding out she was pregnant. Since finding out she is pregnant Suzan has not smoked marijuana or drank alcohol. She does not smoke cigarettes. Suzan is receiving prenatal care. She currently lives with her parents and they are supportive of her adoption plan.  

The Birthfather is a Caucasian gentleman who is 21 years old. He is now in a relationship with someone else and wants nothing to do with Suzan or this child.

Suzan would like a semi open adoption with pictures and updates from the adoptive family after birth and would like to meet the family in person sometime prior to birth. She is open to viewing profiles of all types of families.

Your wall

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Uncle Andy was in town for Thanksgiving and painted this Winnie the Pooh mural on your bedroom wall. It came out amazing! I love it and I am sure you will love it too. The start of the road is where your crib is going to go.

The carpet will be going in next week in your room. It is nice and soft. Let’s just hope the cats don’t pee on it.

On another note, we were selected to be the recipients of a $4,000 grant from!! The have financially help 73 family with adoption. This is amazing and is a big help.