Can’t sleep

It is 4:30am and I can’t seem to sleep. I was having a dream about you. I was home during the day with you and Holly was here with us. (She has 3 young kids, which I am hoping you become good friends with.) In the dream, anything I could be doing wrong with you, I was doing wrong but luckily Holly was here to save you from me and correct all the mistakes I was making.

Your cousin Brady was just born which has been very exciting! Seeing his cute pictures and hearing Uncle Greg and Aunt Carolyn’s excitement has just made us more excited for you! I know you and Brady are going to be great friends. Uncle Greg and I have already talked about you going down to DC for weekends and Brady coming up here for weekends.

We are about 7 weeks away from your birthday now!! Your dad and I are so ready for you to join us! We have been talking about you for the last 5 years now. We have been trying to figure out what you are going to call us. Neither of us like the idea of being called Pops, it is just old sounding. I have been doing research and no real answer out there. We also don’t like Papa because that sounds like a grandfather. Some people just go by their first name or both go by dad and when the child wants a specific parent the parent’s first name is used. Probably dad and daddy could work for the first few years. The common theme in what I was reading is that parents left it up to the kid and what they felt comfortable with. So, I guess you can decide when you get older.

On another note, we are meeting your mom for the first time in two weeks. We received a picture of her for the first time last week. She has very nice blue eyes, red hair and pale skin. I think her hair was colored red though and she might actually have brown hair. It will be exciting to meet her. We can get information on her for you, for when you are older.

Well, I guess that is it for now.

Love ya,


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