Your room

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We are getting closer to getting your room finished! We emptied out the room this weekend to make space for your crib and dresser, which we just picked up for you. Your pops put the crib together and then I got to put out all the items that I have been buying over the last three months. I filled your drawers with the oneies, blankets, baby towels, wash cloths, and tiny socks. You are going to have to share your room, when you get here because Kosmo is sleeping on the glider all the time! One of the cats was even sleeping in your crib!  It is exciting to see the room come together. We still need to get the room carpeted and we need a book shelf. Uncle Andy will be coming in for Thanksgiving this week and he is going to be creating your Winnie the Pooh mural. I am really excited about this. I think it will be amazing! After we finished with your room last night, we both sat and were just all smiles thinking about seeing you in that crib.

On a sadder note, I attended the memorial services for your Uncle Ron today. He and your grandfather, Djai Djai have been friends for the last 40 years. Uncle Ron and Aunt Eileen, have been such close friends with your grandparents that they became Aunt and Uncle to me and your Uncle Greg and Uncle Brian. I actually have a baby stool, that they had engraved for me for my 1st Christmas. It is now in your room. Uncle Ron and Aunt Eileen were also a major donor for the fundraiser that we had for the adoption.  In addition, they were a big source of support for us. I talked to Uncle Ron on the phone at the start of us putting the fundraiser together and his words were so kind and encouraging. It is sad you were not able to meet him but Djai Djai has many stories that he will be happy to share with you.

1 thought on “Your room

  1. Beautiful entry, Steve. So nice to see the items you’ve gotten so far all put together. Everything looks inviting and warm! Congrats on the hard work, guys!!

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